Invoice Factoring
Credit Lines
Huma Invoice Factoring Pool Testing
This test flow simulates an invoice factoring flow with Huma's Receivable Factoring SDK, with receivables mimicking an invoice processing website.
1. Mint a receivable Invoice NFT
Huma's Receivable Factoring NFT works with invoices tokenized as NFTs. Please input the invoice amount and due date:
Invoice Amount (USDC)
Invoice Due Date
Mint Invoice NFT
Token ID:
2. Borrow Against Receivable
Factor your invoices by transferring your NFT to Huma, and get access to up to 80% of the invoice amount immediately.
Get Paid Now
3. Simulate Invoice Payment
Simulate an invoice payment which is routed to the NFT owner, Huma's invoice factoring pool contract.
Payment Amount (USDC)
Approve & Pay Invoice
4. Receive Invoice Remainder from Pool
Huma's Sentinel service periodically (once every minute) scrapes invoice payments to the pool and does bookkeeping to make sure the factorizing remainder is properly sent to the borrower. Check your token balances on the right to see this remainder hit your wallet.
Make sure to grab some test USDC from the faucet below!
Test USDC Faucet
1. Lend to Pool
First time lenders must request approval:
Approve Wallet
Deposit Amount (USDC)
Approve & Deposit
2. Withdraw from Pool
Withdraw Amount (USDC)
Last fetched: N/A
Fetch Token Balances
User Balance:
Pool Balance:
Treasury Balance:
Debug Menus
Last fetched: N/A
Fetch Loan Information
Raw creditRecordMapping:
Raw creditRecordStaticMapping:
Raw receivableInfoMapping:
Last fetched: N/A
Fetch Receivable Information